General Health Policies

The National Health Promotion Strategy 2000-2005

Database Category:

General Health Policies

Published Date:






The purpose of this new health promotion strategy is to set out a broad policy framework within which action can be carried out at an appropriate level to advance the strategic aims and objectives. This strategy aims to promote a holistic approach to health in Ireland by:
• Focusing on the link between health promotion and the determinants of health;
• Emphasising the role of inter-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approaches in the planning, implementation and evaluation of health promotion initiatives including the involvement of the consumer;
• Outlining the context within which health promotion is currently taking place at an international and national level;
• Providing a rationale for the further development of health promotion to help maintain, improve and protect health;
• Referring to information and data on socio-economic and environmental factors, lifestyle behaviours and health status;
• Proposing strategic aims and objectives for health promotion under the three approaches of population groups, settings and topics;
• Identifying the prerequisites needed at a national and regional level to support and sustain health promotion;
• Providing a general overview of outcomes from the first strategy.