Boon Or Curse?

Live did I squatted inside her

I kicked I moved

Causing the pain in her

She took me in with love

Nurturing me with utmost care

All the pain she bore

Alone nobody at all to share..

Came crying did I

After that 9 months safe within her

I was a girl too

A boon or a curse for her..?

I glimpsed her beautiful smile

Pouring along with silent tears

I couldn’t understand her happiness

Nor the eyes that was crying with fears

Home finally went

The home where she had put in life

I went to that home

And I dreamt I’ll be a part of that life

I grew in my mother’s arms

I grew till I no longer fitted in her lap

I remember her words still saying

“Stand up on your own now baby

You’ve grown up already”

I looked to my dad

He carried me in his arms with love

I remember his words still saying

“My princess she is and always will be”

My heart flew with the colors of Holi

As he swung me around in his arms

I felt I’m the luckiest girl

It was a blessing I got born in here..

Smiles and laughter ..

Love and only love around

Love even when my baby brother was cuddled in her arms.

“Daddy doesn’t he look like me?” I ask

Daddy replied.. ” No he looks like me and will be a businessman like me”

Daddy didn’t give me a glance

Took my brother sat beside mother

That’s when I realized..

maybe I wasn’t their happiness I imagined myself to be..

My brother my piece of joy

His small fingers clutching mine

His laughter became my laughter

I thought he was another gift given to me by time

He grew up too

I saw him growing with my own eyes

He didn’t fit nomore in her lap too

But she didn’t say..” Stand up on your own now you’ve grown up already”

I remember daddy pick him up and say

”  He is the king he will take the house someday”

And I reminded him about his princess..

Daddy said,” oh you will have to find your prince very soon”

Thats when I realized…

Maybe I wasn’t a princess at all

My brother grew big

I was even bigger

He was going abroad tomorrow

And I was to stay in hostel

My hostel was very nice no doubt

But my broyher stayed at home

Back to the day he was going abroad

The tears fell endlessly from my mother

My father never looked so grave

Not even did they cry once when I was going

Away from home to hostel for years

That day I realized..

Maybe I wasn’t the one to stay forever with them at all

My brother went abroad

I went to my hostel

While tears fell for my brother

None fell for me..

I remembered the tears I saw on my mother for first time

I realized then…

Maybe that were the  only tears meant for me

I got the a job

Good that’s very nice were the words for me

I got a job

Tomorrow we have a get together if family

That were the words for my brother I see

I realized that day..

Maybe I wasn’t a reason for celebrations at all

I hear my father’s words..

” Now it’s time you get married”

I remember myself saying..

“No i want to read more like brother himself “

But what happened in the end

It’s what always happens

Today here I sit at a corner of my room

Looking at my small girl sleeping on her cot

Tears falling of my eyes looking at her

Thinking.. Being born a girl a boon or a curse?